Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Itinerary Is Set...

I am about to leave for Australia in 2 weeks. Although it is going to be sad leaving my family (especially my mother), I am excited to see/experience a new people, culture, & land.

I am going to be traveling around Australia for 3 weeks with some friends before I actually start classes at UWA.

I just finished booking all my flights through Qantas Airways and most of my hotel/hostel bookings through and All together, it cost me approximately $1500 for all my flights and $250 for my hotel expenses. Hopefully everything will pan out without a hitch, but we will see...

My itinerary is as follows...

Jan. 21 - 26, San Francisco (a vacation with my parents before I leave)

Jan. 28 - 31, Melbourne (to see the 2009 Australian Open)

Feb. 1 - 3, Hobart (to see the small island of Tasmania)

Feb. 4 - 7, Sydney (to experience the #1 city in the world)

Feb. 8 - 10, Cairns (to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef)

Feb. 11 - 22, Perth (Orientation for international students at UWA)

Feb. 23rd, My first day of classes at University of Western Australia