Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lady Gaga and PCD Concert

Best concert of my life.

I mainly went for Lady Gaga, but the Pussycat Dolls were pretty good too. I bought the ticket way back in January before I actually left to Australia... I really didn’t know too much about Lady Gaga... I just knew I liked her song “Just Dance,” so I thought it would be fun to go to her concert while I was down here in Perth.

When I bought the ticket, they were all sold out of the “gold” section, which is near the stage… so I ended up having to settle for the “silver” section, which put us somewhere in the middle. We were kind of far off, but I could still see/hear the performers pretty well.

Turned out to be a pretty spectacular concert… Lady Gaga is a GREAT performer, but I kind of think she’s a little out of her mind (in the good way).

I recorded all the performances on my camera. I was going to upload them all to this blog, but the internet here in Australia stinks, so I have not been able to do so… I’m going to keep trying because the performances are AMAZING! I was surprised just how well my little 10.1 megapixel camera recorded both the sound and the picture quality.

For now, I’ll just have to settle with pictures… and one video (“Buttons” by PCD). I'll either upload the videos later or just show you later on my computer. They pretty COOL though.

Haha, the new T-shirt I bought at the concert. Pretty sweet... all $50 of it!

Concert Ticket


Pussycat Dolls... We were pretty close, so my camera got some pretty good pics.

Buswood Dome (where the concert was at)

Sportin' the Gaga shirt again

Lady Gaga on the jumbo-tron

It was pretty packed and hot... but we had a good time. It was worth it!

The Gaga again on jumbo-tron.... I should have taken pics of her actually on stage... I don't know why I didn't; I did of the Pussycat Dolls...?

Pussycat Dolls again

The screen of Lady Gaga they had over the stage before the concert began

Haha, I thought I was pretty cool rockin' out the tee-shirt with my $5 green sunglassess I bought at a flee market in Sydney...

The crowd behind us (there were tons of people)

Now for the videos... or the TWO videos I was able to upload to Blogger... MORE TO COME (as soon as I get sufficient internet)...................!

"Just Dance" - Lady Gaga

"Buttons" - Pussycat Dolls

This video is for my mom. Nicole from the PCD reminds me of her (haha)... The video is of decent quality... It goes in andn out of focus, but the sound is pretty good. Oh yeah, one of the PCD was missing... I dunno which; I only know of Nicole.

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